Admission: +359 52 355 106

Customs Intelligence and Investigation

Faculty of Law
Department of Security and Safety


Speciality: National Security Protection

Specialization: Customs Intelligence and Investigation

Awarded qualification: National Security Protection

Level of qualification: Master


Length of programme: For graduates from Bachelor's degree programme 'National Security Protection' the duration of study is 2 semesters.
For graduates from Bachelor's degree programme 'Counteraction to Crime and Public Order Protection' or Master's degree programme 'Law', the duration of study is 3 semesters.
For graduates from Bachelor's degree programme with other higher education, the duration of study is 4 semesters.



Number of credits: 60/90/120


Field(s) of study (ISCED-F): National Security


Specific admission requirements: Average grade of the diploma of higher education - above 4.00. Entrance interview


Specific arrangements for recognition of prior learning:

• Procedures: recognition of credits based on presentation of an academic transcript or a diploma from prior learning; certification of knowledge and skills by passing examinations in specific for the professional area knowledge and skills by the Department of Security and Safety;
• Allocation of credits: the Department of Security and Safety awards relevant to the study programme of the major credits on the basis of certification of knowledge and skills.


Qualification requirements and regulations, including graduation equirements*: In order to be awarded the qualification, students need 60 credits (duration of study - 2 semesters), 90 credits (duration of study - 3 semesters) or 120 credits (duration of study - 4 semesters)


Profile of the programme: The Master's degree programme is designed to train Master's degree graduates in detection and investigation of customs violations and crimes. The goal is the preparation of highly qualified personnel who will be able to prepare and organize the use of risk profiles in the detection of customs violations and crimes.


Programme learning outcomes: Based on detailed knowledge of criminal law, criminal process, forensic science and criminology, and taking into account the peculiarities of the technology of customs control,students should develop abilities to work with the bodies of the Ministry of Interior and the judicial system for the prevention, detection and investigation of customs violations and crimes.


Programme structure diagram with credits*:



No ECTS Code Course Title Lectures and seminars Out-of-class workload Number of сredits
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 MAN 3052 Foreign Trade Deals 30 60 3
2 TRA 3008 International Freight Forwarding 30 60 3
3 SEC 3011 Technology of the Customs and Currency Control 30 60 3
4 INF 3044 Information Systems and Technology 15 30 1,5
5 LAN 3024 Criminology and Criminal Law Analysis of Customs Crimes 30 60 3
6 LAW 3024 Passport-and-visa Law and Control 30 60 3
7 SEC 3012 Operational Search Activities 30 60 3
8 SEC 3014 Investigation of Smuggling and Currency Crimes 30 60 3
9 LAW 3025 Legal Expertise 15 30 1,5
10 QMS 3007 Customs Statistics 30 60 3
11   Elective courses 1 30 60 3
Total for the 1st semester 300 600 30
1 SEC 3013 Customs and Financial Intelligence 30 60 3
2 ECO 3022 Knowledge of Stock and Inventory and Customs Tariffing 30 60 3
3 MAN 3053 Trade Representation before Customs Authorities 30 60 3
4   Optional courses 1 30 60 3
5   Elective courses 2 30 60 3
Total for the 2nd semester 150 300 15
    Master's thesis defence   300 15
Total for the whole course of study: 450 1200 60
Elective courses 
1 SEC 3015 Customs Policy of the EU 30 60 3
PHI 3005 Professional Ethics
2 SEC 1004 State Border Control 30 60 3
FIN 3016 Customs and Currency Regime of the RB and the EU
Optional courses 
1 SEC 1074 Methodology of Scientific Research 30 60 3
SEC 1077 Theoretical and Legal Fundamentals of National Security
Module Equivalency Courses for Bachelors in other majors
1 LAW 1041 Criminal Law 90 180 9
2 LAW 1044 Criminal Procedural Law 60 120 6
3 LAW 1020 Forensic Science 45 90 4.5
4 LAW 1058 Law of the European Union 45 90 4.5
5 SEC 1071 Counteraction to terrorism 30 60 3
6 PSY 2003 Legal Psychology 30 60 3
SEC 1059 History of Special Services
Total for the 1st semester 300 600 30
1 SEC 1078 Theory of Intelligence and Counterintelligence 60 120 6
2 SEC 3150 Competitive Intelligence 60 120 6
3 SEC 1086 Management of Special Services 60 120 6
4 SEC 1063 Fundamentals of Information-and-analytical Activities 45 90 4.5
5 SEC 1079 Risk Analysis and Control 45 90 4.5
SEC 1011 International and National Security
6 SEC 1067 EU policy on Security and Internal Affairs 30 60 3
ADM 3024 Document Study and Document Circulation
Total for the 2nd semester 300 600 30
    Total: 600 1200 60

* In Varna Free University, a credit equals 30 lessons, of which 10 contact hours (lectures and seminars) and 20 hours independent work.


Note: Elective and optional courses are to be choosen one of each pair


Mode of study: full-time


Examination regulations and grading scale: The head lecturer of each course introduces rules for admission to the semester examination, methodology and assessment criteria presented to students at the beginning of the training course. A variety of teaching methods are used - lectures, field studies, contact hours /incl. on-line/, etc. The forms and methods of assessment are: assignments tasks, course assignments and projects, tests, case studies, etc. The assessment criteria depend on the methods and forms used in each course. The results are documented in a specific form 'Journal of the Lecturer' and are announced orally or electronically during the continuous assessmentl and after the end of the semester examination.


Graduation requirements: During the course of study, one-week compulsory internship with students is conducted at the Academy of the Ministry of Interior. The Master's Degree in 'National Security Protection' is acquired after a Master's thesis defence. The requirement for admission to the defence is students to have taken all semester examinations and to have completed a pre-graduation internship.


Professional development of graduates: Graduates from the Master's degree programme acquire the necessary qualification for successful career development in structural units of the Customs Agency, shipping companies, as well as for expert work in private structures, small and medium enterprise,s and others.


Access to further studies: Doctoral degree programmes


Head of the Master's degree programme:

Assoc. Prof. Valentin Todorov, PhD;
visiting days – Tuesday and Thursday from 14.00 to 16.00 h,
tel. +359 52 359 563,


ECTS – coordinator of the Department:

Assoc. Prof. Galina Mileva, PhD
tel: +35952359559