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09 July 2021

The first working meeting of students and professors from different universities, which in the coming months will explore and analyze issues related to improving the legislative framework for student loans, was held on the initiative of the Student Council of Varna Free University "Chernorizets Hrabar". At the invitation of the Student Council the meeting was attended by Prof. Daniela Bobeva - a lecturer at VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar", Minister of Trade (1997) and Deputy Prime Minister of Bulgaria in the period 2013 - 2014, Prof. D.Sc. Dimitar Kanev - Vice-Rector of the University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eleonora Tankova - Dean of the Faculty of International Economics and Administration, lecturers and students. The Student Councils of the "Paisiy Hilendarski" University of Plovdiv, the University of National and World Economy and students from VUZF University took an active part in the online discussion.
Improving the conditions for student loans is one of the priority topics of the Student Council of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar". During the meeting it was pointed out that according to the current Law on Loans to university and doctoral students, credits can be used only by university and doctoral students who study full-time and are under the age of 35 and have no other higher education.
"Our goal is to think about how to improve the legislation related to student loans so as to give more young people a chance to study at the university. Bulgaria is among the countries with the lowest relative share of university students in the total youth population, our country is one of the five countries with the highest youth unemployment, and students leave universities en masse for financial reasons," said Prof. Bobeva.
The working group includes students from Varna, Plovdiv and Sofia, representatives of two private and two state universities, which gives a good profile of the work. In the coming months, they will do serious research and analyze the experience of other countries in student finance, will study the views of students, banks and businesses, will summarize and filter the proposals received. The next stage of the project will involve wider range of students and Student Councils.
"The idea is for students to get into the technology on how a problem can be solved with good research and expert work. Even going all the way and preparing the young people for the future can be considered a success. They will not only draw our future but also make it," said Prof. Bobeva.

В работната група участват обучаеми от Варна, Пловдив и София - представители на два частни и два държавни университета, което дава добър профил на работата. Студентите ще направят изследвания и ще анализират опита на други държави в областта на студентското финансиране, ще проучат мнението на колегите си, а също на банките и на бизнеса, ще обобщят и филтрират получените прадложения. В следващ етап в проекта ще бъдат привлечени и по-широк кръг студенти и Студентските съвети.

„Идеята е младите хора да разберат технологията как един проблем може да се разреши с добра изследователска и експертна работа. Успехът ще е дори в това – да извървят целия път и да бъдат подготвени за бъдещето. Защото те не само ще чертаят, но и ще правят нашето бъдеще“, каза още проф. Бобева.