Admission: +359 52 355 106


Prof. Dimitar Kanev, D.Sc.
Vice-Rector of VFU "Chernorizets Hrabar"

The implementation of a quality learning process and the achievement of satisfaction in students and social reputation require ensuring equality of examinees, transparent objective and fair conduct of examination procedures and counteraction to attempts to manipulate the process and academic fraud. These prerequisites are even more necessary for remote online examinations. To achieve them, the forthcoming distance examinations should be organized and conducted under the following temporary rules:

To sit the examination, the student has to:

To have a room for independent work and remote access through a continuous Internet connection and hardware configuration with available and working video camera and microphone. Google Chrome is the recommended browser.

To log in his/her Google / Gmail account @ and through it 20 minutes before the start of the examination to join the virtual examination room in Google Meet with a camera and a microphone.
Immediately after joining the virtual examination room in Google Meet @ to identify himself/herself by showing his/her identity document or student booklet on the camera. The student's name and photo should be visible on the document. The remaining details have to be be hidden.
2. The examination procedure is as follows:

2.1. In the virtual examination hall in Google Meet @, electronic identification of those who sit the examination is carried out; they are informed about the rules and procedures for conducting the examination and declare their awareness.

2.2. The distance oral examination procedures (oral examinations, interviews, defence of papers, course assignments and dissertation theses, etc.) are held in the virtual examination room at Google Meet @ The distance written examinations are conducted through an assignment or test application in an online platform in the domain.

In order to prevent examination fraud and to question the conduct and final result of the examination:
The student declares that he/she is informed about the rules for conducting the examination and that he/she will not copy and prompt during the examination procedure.

The presence of other persons in the student's room is inadmissible, and the student has no right to leave his/her workplace.

The actions of the student and his/her interaction with the examination system during the examination are monitored by video surveillance in recording mode by the examiner or online invigilator. The location and settings of the camera should provide information about the student's facial image and actions.

All records and registers of the examination and examination materials shall be kept by the lecturer or secretary of the State Examination Commission who has conducted the examination within one year after the examination, after which they shall be destroyed.

If necessary, the lecturer (online invigilator) may require the student to direct the camera to the rest of the room to prove that he or she is not using unauthorized support materials or assistance.

Upon registration of violation of the above rules, the lecturer (online invigilator) has the right to terminate and/or cancel the examination.

If a technical problem is reported during the examination by the student or the lecturer, it is verified by the team of the Institute of Technology. If it is not possible to verify the problem and it has led to a temporary interruption of the video connection with the student, the examination work is canceled.

Students who cannot meet the requirements under item 1 or for proven technical reasons cannot finish the remote examination have the right to appear for an extraordinary attendance examination session in the discipline/state examination. The attendance session is organized after the restrictions on conducting classes are lifted.

The monitoring, the records of the activity and their storage and processing, as well as all other actions for processing personal data during the online examination procedures, are carried out in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 General Data Protection Regulation).

For the above circumstances and other important information on the examination procedure (permitted auxiliary materials during the examination, method of conducting, structure and duration of the examination, assessment system, term and mechanism for obtaining the examination results, etc.) the lecturer (online invigilator) informs the students immediately before the examination.

Following the information on the examination procedure, the examiner shall provide a link to an information declaration form. In it, the student marks “I am familiar with the Temporary Rules for Organizing and Conducting Remote Online Examination Procedures, as well as with the specific rules and procedures of this examination. I declare that I will not copy or prompt." and sends the form.

The term of validity of the present rules expires with the adoption of the respective normative regulation by the Academic Council of VFU “Chernorizets Hrabar”.

Varna, 11 May 2020