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Language Exams


Изпити за определяне на ниво на владеене на български език

Условия за участие


Кандидатите могат да бъдат студенти на ВСУ или въшни лица.

Изисквания за участие

Необходими документи

  • Формуляр (заявление);
  • Документ за платена такса - за изпита, за обработка на документи и за издаване на сертификат или свидетелство

Начин на провеждане 

Изпити за учебната 2024/2025 година ще се провеждат чрез интернет-базирани електронни платформи на ВСУ (неприсъствено).


Предстоящи дати на изпити за определяне на ниво по български език:

График за провеждане на изпитите
  • 23.10.2024
  • 20.11.2024
  • 11.12.2024
График за следващите изпити се обявява допълнително.

График за подаване на документи
  1. Подаване на документи – 2 работни дни преди датата на изпита.
  2. Обявяване на резултати от конкурсните изпити във ВСУ - до 5 работни дни след изпитната дата.
  3. Изготвяне на свидетелство за ниво на владеене на езика във ВСУ - до 7 работни дни след изпитната дата.

Такса за участие

Такса за изпит: 
- Граждани на Република България и ЕС - 180 лева
- Граждани на държави извън ЕС - 200 евро

Таксата се внася във ВСУ при подаване на документите  или се превежда предварително по банков път на една от следните банкови сметки, в зависимост от валутата на плащане:
  • ТБ „Централна кооперативна банка“ АД
  • IBAN код: BG20CECB979010A3494100– в лева;
  • IBAN код: BG34CECB979014A3494100– в евро (за чуждестранни студенти)

Изрично в платежния документ се изписват: "Изпит по ..." и имената на кандидат-студента.


Ред за участие

- Кандидатът избира дата за полагане на изпит
- Заплаща такса
- Регистрира се за участие
- В предварително съобщение по електронната поща всеки участник в изпита ще получи информация за:
 1. Начален час на изпита (на всяка горепосочените дати е 10:00 ч.) и линк за виртуална аудиториия.
 2. Разяснения относно регламента за провеждане на изпита.


Конспект на изпит за определяне на ниво по български език:

Езикът като система
  1. Звуковете и буквите в българския език.
  2. Дума, структура на думата, словообразуване.
  3. Съществително име.
  4. Прилагателно име.
  5. Числително име.
  6. Местоимения.
  7. Глагол.
  8. Наречие, съюз, предлог, частица.
  9. Българската лексика и българската фразеология.
  10. Словосъчетание. Изречение. Текст.
  11. Българският речев етикет.
  12. Основни правописни и пунктуационни правила.

Примерни теми за есе (около 200-250 думи):
1. „Аз съм…”
2. „Нашето семейство”
3. „Моето ежедневие”
4. „Здравето”
5. „Градът, в който живея”
6. „Празниците”
7. „България и моята страна”
8. „Българският език и родният ми език”



Повече информация можете да получите от Департамент за чуждоезиково обучение на email адрес


Онлайн Заявление





Conditions for participation

Conditions for participation


Applicants can be VFU students or external individuals.

Requirements for participation
• Registration for participation by filling out an online application form;
• Compliance with the specified deadlines;
• Paid participation fee.

Required documents
• Form (application);
• Document for paid fee - for the exam, for processing documents and for issuing a certificate 

Mode of conducting
The exams for the academic year 2024/2025 will be held via internet-based electronic platforms of VFU (in absentia).



Exam schedule
  • 23.10.2024
  • 20.11.2024
  • 11.12.2024
The schedule for the next exams will be announced separately.

Schedule for submission of documents
1. Submission of documents - 2 working days before the exam date.
2. Announcement of the competitive exam results at VFU - up to 5 working days after the exam date.
3. Preparation of a certificate of language proficiency level at VFU - up to 7 working days after the exam date.


Exam fee:
- Bulgarians, EU citizents - 180 leva
- Non EU-citizens - 200 euro

The fee is paid in VFU upon submission of the documents or transferred in advance by bank transfer to one of the following bank accounts, depending on the currency of payment:

• TB "Central Cooperative Bank" AD
• IBAN code: BG20CECB979010A3494100 – in BGN;
• IBAN code: BG34CECB979014A3494100 – in euros (for international students)

In the payment document should be written explicitly: "Examination in ..." and the names of the candidate student.



- The candidate chooses a date for taking the exam
- The candidate pays a fee
- He/she registers for participation
- In a preliminary e-mail message, each participant in the exam will receive information about:
  1. The start time of the exam (on each of the above dates is 09:30 a.m.) and a link to a virtual classroom.
  2. Clarifications regarding the regulations for conducting the exam.



The goal of the English language exam is to identify the applicants’ level of language
proficiency. Level B2 according to CEFR1 guarantees that the applicants will be able to
study in English when enrolled in an English-medium Bachelor’s or Master’s degree

The exam consists of 2 compulsory parts: a written test and an oral interview. It tests the
grammatical competence of the applicants as well as the four communicative skills,
namely reading, listening, writing and speaking.

Applicants are expected to be independent users of English and to be able to:
• understand the main ideas of complex text on both concrete and abstract topics,
including technical discussions in his/her field of specialization;
• interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity that makes regular interaction
with native speakers quite possible without strain for either party;
• produce clear, detailed text on a wide range of subjects;
• explain a viewpoint on a topical issue giving the advantages and disadvantages of
various options.

Grammar syllabus
1. Present simple tense. Present continuous tense.
2. Present continuous tense for future arrangements/ going to/ will.
3. Past simple tense, Past continuous tense and Past perfect tense.
4. Present perfect tense. Present perfect continuous tense.
5. Would and used to for past events.
6. Modal verbs.
7. Passive constructions.
8. Verb patterns.
9. Conditionals.
10. Expression of purpose, cause and result.
11. Word formation.
12. Phrasal verbs.

Topics for oral interview

1. Life
What makes you happy? What do you do in your free time? What’s your daily routine?
2. Work
What do you do? What do companies do to motivate their staff? What do you think are
the most dangerous jobs?
3. Time out
What can you when you are on holiday? What are your future plans? What do you
consider a perfect day out?
4. Great minds
Do you have any special talent? What are the best ways to learn new things according to
you? How do you understand the phrase: ”Little knowledge is a dangerous thing.”?
5. Travel
What do you think is the best way to travel? Do you travel light? What do you usually pack
when you go away for a short trip? What would you like to experience soon?
6. Fitness
What do you do to keep fit and healthy? Do you do anything which is not healthy? Do you
want to live until you are 100? How long have you lived at your present home?
7. Changes
Would you like to change anything in your life? What things in your life have you changed
in the last ten years (appearance/ home/ work/ studies/ free time)? Why do people tell
lies about their life?
8. Money
Do you ever lend money to friends or family? Have you ever borrowed a lot of money?
Who pays bills where you live? Which of your possessions is worth the most to you?
9. Nature
How many problems can you think of that are related to the environment? What can you
do to protect the environment? Do you recycle? Do you grow your own food? Have you
ever slept outdoors or been out in the wild? Which wild places would you like to visit?
10. Society
Which are the best cities to live in? Why? Which crimes do you consider serious? What
should the punishment for them be? What kind of problems did you encounter when you
travelled? How did you solve them?



Further information can be obtained from the Department of Foreign Language Teaching at:


Online application form